“If you go step by step, there will be no problems. Enjoy each step. Trying to leap many steps at once can be a problem.”
~T.K.V. Desikachar, quoting his father Krishnamacharya
This course is unique from other peak pose sequencing courses as the focus is on how to integrate the more complicated poses directly into a power vinyasa arc style class.
In this continuing education course you will explore how to create a yoga class sequence designed around a 'peak' pose.
This includes the steps to breaking down the anatomical actions of a pose and determining poses with similar patterns that will help prepare the body for the more complex pose.
You will then learn the art of the teaching simple to complex method.
This method of teaching allows you to integrate complex poses without breaking the flow of the class, while also making sure all students feel included - no matter the level of experience.
Intelligent sequencing, clear step-by-step instructions with alternatives, and basic foundation building can help prep your student’s bodies
and give them the tools to grow their practice.
This course includes:
-how to sequence for and teach a more complex pose without straying from the power vinyasa sequencing formula
-the 5 step 'formula' for breaking down and pose and creating a class plan
-how to break down a complex pose - determine joint/muscular actions, energetic actions
-6 mini audio lectures (transcripts currently post, audios coming soon!)
-sample pose breakdowns and sequences
-two prerecorded live class class videos
-review of the power yoga sequencing formula and how to integrate building to a complex pose within those guidelines
-refining cues and transitions
Choose from the following options:
Course Only $75
This option is for those who do not need CEUs but are interested in learning the topics covered in this course.
Course w/10 contact CEUs for Yoga Alliance - $195
This option requires submission of a written final. You will received detailed feedback directly from Lyn via email.
You have one year to complete all requirements.
Access to the online course never expires.
Yoga Alliance options include Certificate of Completion.